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:fuckyeah: thread.
Desertbreh wrote: Tue Oct 10, 2017 6:40 pm My guess would be that Chris took some time off because he has read the dialogue on this page 1,345 times and decided to spend some of his free time doing something besides beating a horse to death.
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Sent from the Beer Depository
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I've seen them with my own ears.
:doughnut: :narc: :doughnut:
Desertbreh wrote: Thu Oct 17, 2019 3:05 pm DFD. The forum where everybody makes the same choices and then tells anybody trying to join the club that they are the stupidest motherfucker to ever walk the earth.
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This thread is finally starting to go places.
:wap: Where are these mangos?
Detroit wrote: Fri Apr 16, 2021 1:19 pm I don't understand anything anymore.
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troyguitar wrote: Thu Aug 03, 2017 12:33 am

It's all so clear now.

Time is a tessaract.
4zilch wrote: Mon Apr 12, 2021 8:46 am I'm a fucking failure.
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[user not found] wrote: Tue Aug 01, 2017 8:40 pm So my mother-in-law is an MD. Has been for 30+ years. Recently she switched from nephrology to functional medicine. Good medications are important for many many issues BUT soooo many things that are "managed" with medications can be fixed with life style changes. Medicine is moving this way, thankfully, and it will soon be focusing on both.

My wife is a Psychologist. Most of her run of the mill depression patients don't need meds if they are getting the right care. Many still do, but not nearly as many as would otherwise get prescribed them.
I got sick a couple months ago. It was going on for like 3 weeks, with chest rattling coughing and nonstop gunk running out of my nose. I gave up and went to see the doctor. He told me it was likely a virus that would ease off in a few days since I didn't have a fever, but he'd prescribe something to take the pain away. Whatever.
I go pick it up, $50 copay. WTF. It was a $500 inhaler. To ease coughing. Fuck man, the guy should have just said to man up and deal with it and you'll probably be fine in a few days. About 4 days later it eased up and started to go away. I used the inhaler once. $500 in the pharma company's pocket. $25 copay to see doctorbrah. $75 out of my pocket.


I fucking hate going to the doctor's office. Because 9 times out of 10 it ends in this kind of horseshit.
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5/7 thread doe Caspian. I try and eat well. My GF and I try to buy organic foods, cut out HFCS, gluten, etc, try to avoid genetically modified anything. Helps that her diet restricts all of that.

Ima keep eating my :meat: doe. But I am very picky about what :meat: I do buy.

We really need :mahtroy: in here to tell us all how McDonald's burgers are tasty, healthy, and a good meal.
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Big Brain Bradley wrote: Wed Aug 02, 2017 7:16 am Image


without reading....

i bet you have alot of Alex Jones type BS in all your text. Most of its wrong. However every extreme view is rooted in a nugget of truth.

Like the food images. Sure there is some truth to that. BUT, all GMO is not bad.

Government telling us sugar is GRAS (generally recognized as safe) and fats are bad is fucked. in the 70's they didnt know better yet, but now we do but they still tow the same line, because government.

Anyway, yall have fun in this thread. I'll stick to energy and sprawl arguments.

PS, :wub: fracking. FRACK ALL THE THINGS
Of course you won't read the information I've provided, Americans hate to face the truth, but then they want to bitch in the political section about "Islam" and "trump" clearly displaying their ignorance on what's really going on. I don't know why people keep bringin up alex jones, I don't follow him, he's a sell out cointelpro, counter "intelligence", controlled opposition.

All of what I posted are facts and can be proven as such, but since you gloat about not bothering to read it, then you have no grounds to say it's "wrong". Just take a look at Meirka, it's a fucked up sick society of corporate slaves who worship green paper (LOL). Americans stuff themselves with chemicals and then get cancer, and they think putting radiation in their body is going to cure them? LMAO. Bunch of idiots. Then they exit chemo "therapy" (LOL) and they go home and right back to a diet of starch, blood, and chemicals. Amerikans are mostly stupid people, I see them all the time at the grocery store, filling their shopping cart with hybrid acid vegetables like carrots and broccoli, and potatoes (starch), and spinach (starch), and nightshades like tomatoes which are inflammatory, and processed junk "food" like "diet" coke/pepsi (LOL), frozen foods that contain no vitamins.

It's no wonder Amerikans are so overweight, diseased, and stupid, their politics are a prime example, I mean, people actually believe that they elected Trump, and they actually believed that he would be any better than Hillary Clinton. LMAO. Now look at Merika, central banking monetary system (under Goldman Sachs) and corporations are still running the show. And Merikan idiots think that Trump is any different from Obummer? LMAO. Fools.
Like the food images. Sure there is some truth to that. BUT, all GMO is not bad.
Thanks, that's all I need to know that you are a fool. ;) Have fun with your fracking up the planet. :gtfo:

This short film fits in nice with this thread, it helps tie everything together.

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Johnny_P wrote: Thu Aug 03, 2017 3:18 pm
[user not found] wrote: Tue Aug 01, 2017 8:40 pm So my mother-in-law is an MD. Has been for 30+ years. Recently she switched from nephrology to functional medicine. Good medications are important for many many issues BUT soooo many things that are "managed" with medications can be fixed with life style changes. Medicine is moving this way, thankfully, and it will soon be focusing on both.

My wife is a Psychologist. Most of her run of the mill depression patients don't need meds if they are getting the right care. Many still do, but not nearly as many as would otherwise get prescribed them.
I got sick a couple months ago. It was going on for like 3 weeks, with chest rattling coughing and nonstop gunk running out of my nose. I gave up and went to see the doctor. He told me it was likely a virus that would ease off in a few days since I didn't have a fever, but he'd prescribe something to take the pain away. Whatever.
I go pick it up, $50 copay. WTF. It was a $500 inhaler. To ease coughing. Fuck man, the guy should have just said to man up and deal with it and you'll probably be fine in a few days. About 4 days later it eased up and started to go away. I used the inhaler once. $500 in the pharma company's pocket. $25 copay to see doctorbrah. $75 out of my pocket.


I fucking hate going to the doctor's office. Because 9 times out of 10 it ends in this kind of horseshit.
Sounds like you are part of the problem with society. Get sick go to "doctor" for something that could have been cured with proper food and herbs, then send the bill to thy neighbor. Brilliant system. No wonder Merika is failing. But Trump thoe, and Islams thoe.

What are you eating? Nine out of ten Amerikan fools are eating poison, then they wonder why they get sick all the time or are overweight, high blood pressure, cancer, liver & kidney diseases, alzheimers, etc. The allopathic medical system and "doctors" are a waste of space, they don't cure, they only treat and prop up the pharmaceutical corps. Revolving. Door. Your inhaler "doctor" is just more proof of idiocy thanks to these bullshit universities and colleges that don't really educate but indoctrinate.

What happens when you cure diseases and advertise it? The FDA files a lawsuit. But this man went to the supreme court and won. The system on this planet is garbage, and more and more people are realizing this everyday. ;)

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Johnny_P wrote: Thu Aug 03, 2017 3:21 pm 5/7 thread doe Caspian. I try and eat well. My GF and I try to buy organic foods, cut out HFCS, gluten, etc, try to avoid genetically modified anything. Helps that her diet restricts all of that.

Ima keep eating my :meat: doe. But I am very picky about what :meat: I do buy.

We really need :mahtroy: in here to tell us all how McDonald's burgers are tasty, healthy, and a good meal.
Right on mang, glad to hear that you are conscious about what you are eating. I eat chicken and certain fish once in a while, which I'm not thrilled about because I've seen video footage of inside those chicken processing plants, and I eat cheese now and then.

It's hard to cut cheese/pizza out, it tastes so good nom nom nom, but something that will make ...or should make a person think twice about cheese is, as babies we drink our mothers milk, but when we reach a certain age we stop drinking her milk, but then why would we begin drinking the milk from the reproduction system of animals such as cows? ;) If we are what we eat, why drink cow milk? Look at cows. Zoom in to the molecular level and why would we put that in our body and think it is healthy? Tests of conducted on cow milk have shown traces of blood and pus. :wtf: :gag:

But on the meat thing, have you heard of "meat glue"? :wtf: :lol:

PS I'm an asshole but you guyths already know that, thanks for being good sports. :shock:
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Caspian wrote: Fri Aug 04, 2017 12:26 am
Johnny_P wrote: Thu Aug 03, 2017 3:18 pm

I got sick a couple months ago. It was going on for like 3 weeks, with chest rattling coughing and nonstop gunk running out of my nose. I gave up and went to see the doctor. He told me it was likely a virus that would ease off in a few days since I didn't have a fever, but he'd prescribe something to take the pain away. Whatever.
I go pick it up, $50 copay. WTF. It was a $500 inhaler. To ease coughing. Fuck man, the guy should have just said to man up and deal with it and you'll probably be fine in a few days. About 4 days later it eased up and started to go away. I used the inhaler once. $500 in the pharma company's pocket. $25 copay to see doctorbrah. $75 out of my pocket.


I fucking hate going to the doctor's office. Because 9 times out of 10 it ends in this kind of horseshit.
Sounds like you are part of the problem with society. Get sick go to "doctor" for something that could have been cured with proper food and herbs, then send the bill to thy neighbor. Brilliant system. No wonder Merika is failing. But Trump thoe, and Islams thoe.

What are you eating? Nine out of ten Amerikan fools are eating poison, then they wonder why they get sick all the time or are overweight, high blood pressure, cancer, liver & kidney diseases, alzheimers, etc. The allopathic medical system and "doctors" are a waste of space, they don't cure, they only treat and prop up the pharmaceutical corps. Revolving. Door. Your inhaler "doctor" is just more proof of idiocy thanks to these bullshit universities and colleges that don't really educate but indoctrinate.

What happens when you cure diseases and advertise it? The FDA files a lawsuit. But this man went to the supreme court and won. The system on this planet is garbage, and more and more people are realizing this everyday. ;)

I hardly ever go to the witch doctor. I only went because I was sick for 3 weeks and felt like it was getting worse, and was worried about pneumonia or some other shit. When he said virus I immediately :rolleyes: here we go. I should have just not picked up the prescription but I figured it would at least ease the pain. It was 2/7, did a bit but not much.
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I only go to the dr for annual physicals because I get stupid fiat money to buy health shit I don't need with.
Desertbreh wrote: Tue Oct 10, 2017 6:40 pm My guess would be that Chris took some time off because he has read the dialogue on this page 1,345 times and decided to spend some of his free time doing something besides beating a horse to death.
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Caspian wrote: Fri Aug 04, 2017 12:02 am
Like the food images. Sure there is some truth to that. BUT, all GMO is not bad.
Thanks, that's all I need to know that you are a fool. ;) Have fun with your fracking up the planet. :gtfo:

look, name calling won't get me mad and wanting to engage some random internet dude.

I actually agree with alot of your food points. People eat like shit because they've been told the wrong thing and big farming has a powerful lobby.

Root vegetables can be good IN MODERATION because they are very starchy. Except potatoes, the might as well be bread. Using Cron as a feedstock for everything processed is fucked.

GMO does not necessarily mean gene splicing, many times its just generations of selective breeding.
When it does mean gene splicing, you get things like roundup ready crops. Thats a good thing imho. Roundup is pretty safe (to humans) as far as pesticides go. I mean, fuck monsanto and all for their lawyers suing over seed reclamation, but at its core the tech is a step forward.

Fracking is an overall good tech. yes there have been problems with contaminated wells and streams and other water sources. The answer is not to BAN ALL FRACKING ITS BAD!!!11!!!1! The answer is to learn what went wrong, introduce best practices and legislation to prevent it from happening again.

Also, did you know fracking makes old wells produce again? not scaring the landscape with more exploration, infrastructure, etc is a GOOD thing.

But hey, live in fear and hate and not look on the bright side.
brain go brrrrrr
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Big Brain Bradley wrote:
Caspian wrote: Fri Aug 04, 2017 12:02 am
Thanks, that's all I need to know that you are a fool. ;) Have fun with your fracking up the planet. :gtfo:

look, name calling won't get me mad and wanting to engage some random internet dude.

I actually agree with alot of your food points. People eat like shit because they've been told the wrong thing and big farming has a powerful lobby.

Root vegetables can be good IN MODERATION because they are very starchy. Except potatoes, the might as well be bread. Using Cron as a feedstock for everything processed is fucked.

GMO does not necessarily mean gene splicing, many times its just generations of selective breeding.
When it does mean gene splicing, you get things like roundup ready crops. Thats a good thing imho. Roundup is pretty safe (to humans) as far as pesticides go. I mean, fuck monsanto and all for their lawyers suing over seed reclamation, but at its core the tech is a step forward.

Fracking is an overall good tech. yes there have been problems with contaminated wells and streams and other water sources. The answer is not to BAN ALL FRACKING ITS BAD!!!11!!!1! The answer is to learn what went wrong, introduce best practices and legislation to prevent it from happening again.

Also, did you know fracking makes old wells produce again? not scaring the landscape with more exploration, infrastructure, etc is a GOOD thing.

But hey, live in fear and hate and not look on the bright side.
Looks like there's something wrong with your shift key.
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Tarspin wrote: Fri Aug 04, 2017 9:29 am
Big Brain Bradley wrote:
look, name calling won't get me mad and wanting to engage some random internet dude.

I actually agree with alot of your food points. People eat like shit because they've been told the wrong thing and big farming has a powerful lobby.

Root vegetables can be good IN MODERATION because they are very starchy. Except potatoes, the might as well be bread. Using Cron as a feedstock for everything processed is fucked.

GMO does not necessarily mean gene splicing, many times its just generations of selective breeding.
When it does mean gene splicing, you get things like roundup ready crops. Thats a good thing imho. Roundup is pretty safe (to humans) as far as pesticides go. I mean, fuck monsanto and all for their lawyers suing over seed reclamation, but at its core the tech is a step forward.

Fracking is an overall good tech. yes there have been problems with contaminated wells and streams and other water sources. The answer is not to BAN ALL FRACKING ITS BAD!!!11!!!1! The answer is to learn what went wrong, introduce best practices and legislation to prevent it from happening again.

Also, did you know fracking makes old wells produce again? not scaring the landscape with more exploration, infrastructure, etc is a GOOD thing.

But hey, live in fear and hate and not look on the bright side.
Looks like there's something wrong with your shift key.
brain go brrrrrr
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Big Brain Bradley wrote: Fri Aug 04, 2017 9:37 am
Tarspin wrote: Fri Aug 04, 2017 9:29 am Looks like there's something wrong with your shift key.
:impressive: King :manuel:
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Big Brain Bradley wrote: Fri Aug 04, 2017 8:41 am GMO does not necessarily mean gene splicing, many times its just generations of selective breeding.
When it does mean gene splicing, you get things like roundup ready crops. Thats a good thing imho. Roundup is pretty safe (to humans) as far as pesticides go. I mean, fuck monsanto and all for their lawyers suing over seed reclamation, but at its core the tech is a step forward.

:dat: :dat: :dat:
People don't get this. Yes, Monsanto is bad. It's a shitty corporation, but that doesn't make GMOs bad. The technology is good but the way companies go about implementing is horrible. This is the reason Bill Nye changed his thoughts on GMOs. He can still think that Monsanto is evil incarnate, but the fact is that GMOs aren't.
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Big Brain Bradley wrote: Fri Aug 04, 2017 8:41 am
Caspian wrote: Fri Aug 04, 2017 12:02 am

Thanks, that's all I need to know that you are a fool. ;) Have fun with your fracking up the planet. :gtfo:

look, name calling won't get me mad and wanting to engage some random internet dude.

I actually agree with alot of your food points. People eat like shit because they've been told the wrong thing and big farming has a powerful lobby.

Root vegetables can be good IN MODERATION because they are very starchy. Except potatoes, the might as well be bread. Using Cron as a feedstock for everything processed is fucked.

GMO does not necessarily mean gene splicing, many times its just generations of selective breeding.
When it does mean gene splicing, you get things like roundup ready crops. Thats a good thing imho. Roundup is pretty safe (to humans) as far as pesticides go. I mean, fuck monsanto and all for their lawyers suing over seed reclamation, but at its core the tech is a step forward.

Fracking is an overall good tech. yes there have been problems with contaminated wells and streams and other water sources. The answer is not to BAN ALL FRACKING ITS BAD!!!11!!!1! The answer is to learn what went wrong, introduce best practices and legislation to prevent it from happening again.

Also, did you know fracking makes old wells produce again? not scaring the landscape with more exploration, infrastructure, etc is a GOOD thing.

But hey, live in fear and hate and not look on the bright side.
I don't live in fear, I live in knowledge. Ain't care if you agree with me, I'm not here to get people to agree, I registered to make fun of the brainwashed idiot who started the "Islam" thread and in doing so I found that there are quite a bit of low consciousness indoctrinated Amerikan fools here. Any person who says that roundup laced seeds is a "good thing" is a fucking moron, and one who has done no research. I'm not calling you names to get a rise out of you, I genuinely believe that you are a dumbass based on what you have said about food. Go drink a bottle of roundup weed killer and report back if it's so "safe" for humans. :lol: Round up infused crops are not "pretty safe to humans". :lol: Some genetic Monsanto seeds have spermicide engineered into them, if you did even 30 minutes of research you could have learned this. What do you think "GMO" stands for? Genetically Modified Organism.

Here is another lecture, this one with Willam Engdahl on Monsanto GMO's. You probably won't watch it though, but you will reply with more bullshit and go about your life with the same fucked up beliefs about food and everything else, because that's what you have been taught by the system. 9:30 into the vid, Eugenics tied to GMO introduced by the Rockefellers. The same Rockefeller Foundation that is tied to the Tavistock Institute of human relations. So [user not found]'s oh so smart wife has a PhD in psychology but she has never heard of the Tavistock Institute? LMAO. But she got that piece of paper thoe that says she's soooo smart. Hahahaha. :facepalm:

Potatoes are starch, we tested them in science class like some sixty odd years ago in the seventh grade. Root vegetables can be good in moderation because they are starchy? LOL. Which root vegetables? Did you even watch the video I posted where the man says he cures AIDS? Nope, you didn't, cause if you did you would have learned something, but a ninety minute lecture is too much time for you or any other Merikan to spend watching and LISTENING to someone who delved into biochemistry and learned that most the "food" that people are eating is acid and bad for the body.

I haven't looked into fracking much but I would bet that it's just more stupid humans fucking up the planet so they can keep watching the tel-lie-vision and driving sick rides bruh.


Dear God, why did you make Americans so stupid?
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Acid666 wrote: Fri Aug 04, 2017 10:36 am
Big Brain Bradley wrote: Fri Aug 04, 2017 8:41 am GMO does not necessarily mean gene splicing, many times its just generations of selective breeding.
When it does mean gene splicing, you get things like roundup ready crops. Thats a good thing imho. Roundup is pretty safe (to humans) as far as pesticides go. I mean, fuck monsanto and all for their lawyers suing over seed reclamation, but at its core the tech is a step forward.

:dat: :dat: :dat:
People don't get this. Yes, Monsanto is bad. It's a shitty corporation, but that doesn't make GMOs bad. The technology is good but the way companies go about implementing is horrible. This is the reason Bill Nye changed his thoughts on GMOs. He can still think that Monsanto is evil incarnate, but the fact is that GMOs aren't.
Right, but when when a member of DFD talks about his mom or grandma having alzheimers or liver problems, and I ask them what they are eating, they don't bother to reply. Hmm, I wonder why. So Merikans want to stuff their face with all kinds of chemicals, then when their organs begin to fail they aren't smart enough to correlate the two, and then they want me to help pay for the bill when they go to the "doctor". WOW. But I'm the fool because I'm healthy and have figured out how to get out of the giant matrix that is destroying humans, and the planet. Yeah bruh you're just a conspiracy theorist because I don't understand what you're talking about. LOL

Good stuff, keep the posts coming, I'm enjoying laughing at you guys who think you're smart because you went to a indoctrination camp and have the piece of paper to prove that you are good at doing what you're told. :lol:

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Caspian wrote: Mon Aug 07, 2017 5:58 pm
Acid666 wrote: Fri Aug 04, 2017 10:36 am

:dat: :dat: :dat:
People don't get this. Yes, Monsanto is bad. It's a shitty corporation, but that doesn't make GMOs bad. The technology is good but the way companies go about implementing is horrible. This is the reason Bill Nye changed his thoughts on GMOs. He can still think that Monsanto is evil incarnate, but the fact is that GMOs aren't.
Right, but when when a member of DFD talks about his mom or grandma having alzheimers or liver problems, and I ask them what they are eating, they don't bother to reply. Hmm, I wonder why. So Merikans want to stuff their face with all kinds of chemicals, then when their organs begin to fail they aren't smart enough to correlate the two, and then they want me to help pay for the bill when they go to the "doctor". WOW. But I'm the fool because I'm healthy and have figured out how to get out of the giant matrix that is destroying humans, and the planet. Yeah bruh you're just a conspiracy theorist because I don't understand what you're talking about. LOL

Good stuff, keep the posts coming, I'm enjoying laughing at you guys who think you're smart because you went to a indoctrination camp and have the piece of paper to prove that you are good at doing what you're told. :lol:

Run us through a day of your eating? What do you have each meal?

If you say pancakes and sausage I'm going to high-five you so hard.
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Caspian wrote: Mon Aug 07, 2017 5:37 pm
Big Brain Bradley wrote: Fri Aug 04, 2017 8:41 am

look, name calling won't get me mad and wanting to engage some random internet dude.

I actually agree with alot of your food points. People eat like shit because they've been told the wrong thing and big farming has a powerful lobby.

Root vegetables can be good IN MODERATION because they are very starchy. Except potatoes, the might as well be bread. Using Cron as a feedstock for everything processed is fucked.

GMO does not necessarily mean gene splicing, many times its just generations of selective breeding.
When it does mean gene splicing, you get things like roundup ready crops. Thats a good thing imho. Roundup is pretty safe (to humans) as far as pesticides go. I mean, fuck monsanto and all for their lawyers suing over seed reclamation, but at its core the tech is a step forward.

Fracking is an overall good tech. yes there have been problems with contaminated wells and streams and other water sources. The answer is not to BAN ALL FRACKING ITS BAD!!!11!!!1! The answer is to learn what went wrong, introduce best practices and legislation to prevent it from happening again.

Also, did you know fracking makes old wells produce again? not scaring the landscape with more exploration, infrastructure, etc is a GOOD thing.

But hey, live in fear and hate and not look on the bright side.
I don't live in fear, I live in knowledge. Ain't care if you agree with me, I'm not here to get people to agree, I registered to make fun of the brainwashed idiot who started the "Islam" thread and in doing so I found that there are quite a bit of low consciousness indoctrinated Amerikan fools here. Any person who says that roundup laced seeds is a "good thing" is a fucking moron, and one who has done no research. I'm not calling you names to get a rise out of you, I genuinely believe that you are a dumbass based on what you have said about food. Go drink a bottle of roundup weed killer and report back if it's so "safe" for humans. :lol: Round up infused crops are not "pretty safe to humans". :lol: Some genetic Monsanto seeds have spermicide engineered into them, if you did even 30 minutes of research you could have learned this. What do you think "GMO" stands for? Genetically Modified Organism.

Here is another lecture, this one with Willam Engdahl on Monsanto GMO's. You probably won't watch it though, but you will reply with more bullshit and go about your life with the same fucked up beliefs about food and everything else, because that's what you have been taught by the system. 9:30 into the vid, Eugenics tied to GMO introduced by the Rockefellers. The same Rockefeller Foundation that is tied to the Tavistock Institute of human relations. So [user not found]'s oh so smart wife has a PhD in psychology but she has never heard of the Tavistock Institute? LMAO. But she got that piece of paper thoe that says she's soooo smart. Hahahaha. :facepalm:

Potatoes are starch, we tested them in science class like some sixty odd years ago in the seventh grade. Root vegetables can be good in moderation because they are starchy? LOL. Which root vegetables? Did you even watch the video I posted where the man says he cures AIDS? Nope, you didn't, cause if you did you would have learned something, but a ninety minute lecture is too much time for you or any other Merikan to spend watching and LISTENING to someone who delved into biochemistry and learned that most the "food" that people are eating is acid and bad for the body.

I haven't looked into fracking much but I would bet that it's just more stupid humans fucking up the planet so they can keep watching the tel-lie-vision and driving sick rides bruh.


Dear God, why did you make Americans so stupid?
Watch this video in its entirety and then you'll know exactly why you're wrong about GMOs:

Also, check out this link if you're still not convinced:
dyslexic wrote:DO YOU FEEL FEAR
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Johnny_P wrote: Fri Aug 04, 2017 8:00 am
Caspian wrote: Fri Aug 04, 2017 12:26 am

Sounds like you are part of the problem with society. Get sick go to "doctor" for something that could have been cured with proper food and herbs, then send the bill to thy neighbor. Brilliant system. No wonder Merika is failing. But Trump thoe, and Islams thoe.

What are you eating? Nine out of ten Amerikan fools are eating poison, then they wonder why they get sick all the time or are overweight, high blood pressure, cancer, liver & kidney diseases, alzheimers, etc. The allopathic medical system and "doctors" are a waste of space, they don't cure, they only treat and prop up the pharmaceutical corps. Revolving. Door. Your inhaler "doctor" is just more proof of idiocy thanks to these bullshit universities and colleges that don't really educate but indoctrinate.

What happens when you cure diseases and advertise it? The FDA files a lawsuit. But this man went to the supreme court and won. The system on this planet is garbage, and more and more people are realizing this everyday. ;)

I hardly ever go to the witch doctor. I only went because I was sick for 3 weeks and felt like it was getting worse, and was worried about pneumonia or some other shit. When he said virus I immediately :rolleyes: here we go. I should have just not picked up the prescription but I figured it would at least ease the pain. It was 2/7, did a bit but not much.
There is a wealth of knowledge and secrets to health in that Dr. Sebi I don't treat AIDS, I CURE AIDs, video. If anyone is having health problems, I highly recommend watching that lecture and adopting some of the herbs and foods he recommends. Pneumonia is the mucus membrane in the lungs compromised by poison/acid and needs to be cleansed, an inhaler filled with chemicals is not going to do that, only natural herbs and foods will cleanse the poison from the body. ;)

Most "doctors" in the US don't heal, they are not healers in any sense, they really only care about money so they can continue living their lavish lifestyle, gotta make the payment on the Ferrari and the boat, and if they cure people, no repeat customers = no more money. The allopathic western/US medical system is a giant fraud.



Novus ordo seclorum = New secular order

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